About Us

The Organization was created in 1977 by a group of Code Enforcement Professionals who saw the need for all Code Enforcement Personnel to meet in order to discuss, consult, and formulate plans to promote the professionalism of Code Enforcement Individuals and discuss common concerns. These Code Enforcement Professionals saw items such as quality continued education as a necessity.

The Code Officials Educational Association is dedicated to providing its membership with services that aid Inspectors, Plans Examiners, Building Officials, Code Enforcement Agents, Floodplain Managers, Permit Technicians, Architects, Engineers, Contractors and all of those who have an interest in the enforcement of The Florida Building Code not only with their job performance, but with support for the personnel needs of their employers.

Our Mission

To create a unified professional force that protects all the citizens and properties in Broward County and represents all Building Code Enforcement Professionals.

COEA Board

Claudio Grande, CBO

K-Maron (Kam) Perdue, CBO
V.P. at Large

Thuy (twee) Turner, AICP
1st Vice President

Steve Busick
2nd Vice President

Chad DeLarionda
3rd Vice President

Michael Guerasio
Advisor to the President

Pete Deveaugh

Dominique Isaac
Recording Secretary

Marcelo Almas
Corresponding Secretary

Gerry Smilen
Good and Welfare

Claudio Grande, CBO
Executive Secretary

Claudio Grande, CBO
District Director

Past Presidents

1977 Sam Sambataro
1978-1979 George Fink
1980 Roy Stager
1981 Jim Smith
1982 Howard Dutkin
1983 Gene Guidosic
1984 Tom Hanrahan
1985 Harry Caroll
1986 Wally Norman
1987 Jerome Sanzone
1988 Dale Lee
1989 Dan Wood
1990 Lou Siano

1991 Emilio De Simone
1992 Clark Richards
1993 Greg O´Hare
1994 John Butler
1995 Bill Dumbaugh
1996 Peggy Bertolami
1997 George Desharnais
1998 Chris Cotler
1999-2000 Bob Hannon
2001 Ken Koch
2002 Tom Willi
2003 Ted Fowler
2004 Mary Langley

2005 Robert O´Dell
2006 Cris Fardelmann
2007 Floyd Kelly
2008 Gary Kilbride
2009 Floyd Kelly
2010-2012 Steve Pizzillo– Tom Sidoti
2013-2014 Claudio Grande
2015 Dean Decker
2016 Gerald Smilen
2017-2018 Mike Guerasio
2019 Sean Flanagan

Code of Ethics

The protection of life, health, safety, and the welfare of the public by creating safe buildings and communities is the solemn responsibility of the Building Officials and Inspectors Educational Association and all who associates and participates in BOIEA activities.

Recognizing this, BOIEA advocates commitment to a standard of professional behavior that exemplifies the highest ideas and principals of ethical conduct.

The governing concepts embodied in this philosophy are characterized herein, for the benefit and guidance of the members and those engaged in the service of the public.

Each member and any individual participating in BOIEA’s activities shall:

  • Place the public welfare above all other interests and recognize that his/her chief responsibility is to safeguard and protect the life, health, and welfare of the general public and the built environment.
  • Demonstrate integrity, honesty, fairness, and consistency in all transactions and constantly strive for excellence in all matters of ethical conduct, and maintain loyalty to the purposes of the Association.
  • Recognize the continuing need for developing improved safety standards for the protection of life, health, and property, and acknowledge a professional obligation to contribute time and expertise in the development of such improvements.
  • Maintain professional competence in all areas of employment responsibility and encourage the same in associates at all levels.
  • Accept no personal favors for public services rendered and conscientiously avoid all circumstances that could compromise professional integrity.
  • Act in accordance with the Bylaws and Policies of the Association, including this Code of Ethics.

The BOIEA Board of Directors may take actions as it deems necessary in order to enforce this Code of Ethics and to preserve the integrity of the Building Officials and Inspectors Educational Association.